Getting Work Experience
in High School
Wendy Hewitt, Wyoming H&V

As a mother of two children with profound losses, I have learned so much on my journey as they have grown older. At this point my 19-year-old son, Ruger, is serving a religious mission and my 17-year-old daughter, Kassidy, is a senior in high school. I am learning about the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the many things they can offer students with disabilities.
I never planned on enrolling my kids in DVR until last summer when I learned that they could help them find work experiences and DVR covers their wages and supports any training needs. Work experience is so important to a young person’s development.
Kassidy was able to do her summer work experience at an animal therapy service provider. We recently learned that DVR can offer students going to college or vocational programs help with tuition and books depending on finances. They can also help purchase special equipment they may need for the career path they are pursuing to meet their employment goals. DVR can help students purchase devices such as fire alarms and bed shaker alarms. I encourage families to connect with their State DVR and utilize these resources for their children. My son Ruger will be enrolling in the program when he returns home and starts his college plan, also. ~
H&V Communicator – Winter 2022